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10 September 2019

Exposed Magazine

Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust will be inviting forty women pursuing careers in heritage regeneration to a special free event which is being staged as part of the national Heritage Open Days scheme. The event, known as Sky’s the Limit, is set to take place on 19th September and will allow attendees to learn from the female experts at Wentworth Woodhouse – one of the UK’s largest current heritage restoration projects.

The WWPT has teamed up with the University of Leeds’ Electrifying Women project and the Women’s Engineering Society Centenary Trail Project, which aims to inspire girls and women to achieve their potential as engineers, applied scientists and technical leaders. On the day, members of the society will give talks and three women with key roles in the regeneration of Wentworth Woodhouse will be staging a ‘speed date’ to enable attendees to quiz them about their careers. Attendees will also have a private tour of the site and the mansion’s rooftops to gain a unique insight into the scale of the WWPT’s historic undertaking and the expertise involved.

Women can sign up for one of forty places on Eventbrite