The brainchild of husband and wife duo, Stephen and Juliette Wall, Pho was established in 2005 following the couple’s trip to Vietnam where they fell in love with the country’s national dish, pho.
The healthy rice noodle soup which Pho specialises in is dubbed as the ‘soul of the nation’ in its native Vietnam. The broths take more than 12 hours to prepare and they are packed full of nutrients, herbs and spices.
As well as the restaurant’s signature dish, pho – of which it has more than 15 different kinds on the menu ranging from beef brisket to tofu and mushrooms – Pho also offers a variety of healthy Vietnamese dishes including crispy summer rolls, tasty curries, spicy salads and nutritious colourful rice bowls accompanied by an array of cocktails, fresh juices, Vietnamese beers and a great wine list.
Pho’s menu is almost entirely gluten free (accredited by Coeliac UK) and they have a special vegan menu featuring ‘THIS isn’t chicken’ dishes, plus lots of plant-based options and ‘prawnless crackers’.
This new launch will act as something of a homecoming for Pho, as Sheffield is where owners Stephen and Juliette met when they were students at Sheffield Hallam University. Restaurant growth is key when trying to run a successful business and its seems Pho have done just that.
Pho opens 14 February at midday in Leopold Square, offering a ‘free pho day’ for those who sign up at as well as a soft launch on 15 – 18 February with 50% off food.