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22 March 2017

Exposed Magazine

Three members of popular South Yorkshire outfit Four Authors have returned as alt-pop trio VITALS. Since first hitting the studio only a few weeks ago the band have released debut single ‘Colour’ and promised a new track per month going forward. Exposed went to find out a bit more.

So, tell us a bit about VITALS?
We’re a brand new band from South Yorkshire made up from three previous members of Four Authors. We just weren’t ready to call it a day after Four Authors disbanded so we locked ourselves away in the studio early-March and started to produce new music. Fast forward a few weeks and we’ve got our debut single recorded and ready to go with a video. It might all seem a bit last minute, but we have our studio so we’re able to produce new music at a fast pace, which is part of our plan going forward.

What has changed sound-wise since Four Authors?
The format of the band works differently to Four Authors: there is no defined frontman or lead within VITALS. We’re all multi-instrumentalists and pitch in what is needed to create the VITALS sound. At it’s core, ‘Colour’ is a standard band track with the guitar, bass and drums doing the heavy lifting. We feel it bridges the gap between bands well, but we’re going to explore new sounds in the future and not be afraid to move away from the usual band format.

Tell us a bit more about Colour. What made you decide to put that track out first?
We were in our studio live room for a couple of days jamming out loads of ideas and filling up the voice memo app on our phones. After sitting back to listen through the ideas, ‘Colour’ jumped out as the track to lead the band’s launch. We wanted something upbeat with a memorable hook that kicks in from the start, and we feel this track delivers on those points.

What’s on the horizon now for the band?
VITALS are launching with a plan in mind promising to release a new single every month, breaking away from the standard EP format favoured with many unsigned artists. We noticed in previous bands that every EP release owed 90% or more of its streams to the lead track. We want to concentrate on making every track as good as it can be and release a steady stream of evolving music instead of half of our work being lost.