Following the release of debut album Studio and Stars, Sheffield grime MC LDizz takes us through his life in music.
First record I bought…
I’m not actually 100% sure! But I do remember the first albums which I was actually was old enough to really take in on my own ware 50 Cent’s Get Rich or Die Trying and Kanye West’s Graduation.
First gig…
My first gig I ever went to was a Justin Timberlake show, which was a bit of a high standard of show for my first one. The first one I remember meaning something to me on a deeper level was a JME show at Plug in Sheffield, with my two good friends Remz & Coco supporting.
First song performed…
That was a song from my 21:00 mixtape called ‘It’s All Mad’. I performed other songs prior to this but that was on a minor scale. For example, I performed at my school prom which was a laugh haha.
One song I wish I wrote…
That would probably be ‘Signs’ by Drake. I’m not sure why to be honest, but it’s just one that I always wish I wrote.
One song I wish I never made…
The song what I wish that I didn’t make would be the ‘Hop In The Place’ original. The production and everything on the song is A grade, but my vocals on there are something I listen back to now and cringe. Don’t listen to it.
I first fell in love with music when…
When 50 Cent, Ja Rule, Snoop Dogg and other music videos used to come on ITV I’d pretend to be on stage, using a water bottle as a microphone. N-Dubz was also very influential because they were on Channel U heavy, and that was really the only channel that played my type of music from the UK.
One song that I can’t get out of my head at the minute...
Lil Naby & Gunna’s ‘Drip too hard’ is a very wavy track.
A record what reminds me of a time/place…
‘Come to me’ by Ayem reminds me of being in Tenerife in the summer. It’s song that I had on loop basically the whole holiday, so now every time I hear the tune I think back to it.
Music allows me to…
Create, escape and perfect.
Studio and Stars is out now and available to stream, download and purchase here