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30 January 2017

Exposed Magazine

Her sixth album in under a decade, Laura Marling’s quiet success is all down to the subtle beauty of her music. From a timid teenager fingerpicking her way across the indie-folk scene back in 2007, to flirting with the more electric side of things in 2015’s Short Movie; Marling’s back catalogue has already warranted recognition as one of the best song-writers of a generation – at age 26.

Nuanced and strikingly honest lyrics are at the forefront of each of her records, and Semper Femina is no different, offering the singer’s musings on sexuality and gender in society today. Many of the tracks are intimate and romantic, with females unashamedly the focus of her attentions.

The production is tighter than ever, too. From the silky bass of first single ‘Soothing’ to the crescendo of strings of ‘Don’t Pass Me By’, on the surface Marling may have gone back to her folksy roots, but it’s the layers of various instruments and crystal clear mixing that makes this her most sophisticated offering yet.

RH 8/10