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20 October 2022

Exposed Magazine

Each new academic year brings with it new challenges. Summer is wound down, and the school year is already gearing up. How do you make the most out of this academic year? Students need more than just hard work to get their desired grades at the end of each semester.

The new academic year comes with much promise but actualizing that into something practical will take time and effort on your part as a student. From this moment, you might need economics homework help or some assistance writing your papers, but that’s okay. It’s a learning process.

You shouldn’t overthink things and stress yourself out. You should find a happy balance between attending class and learning what you want to know. Treat your degree as a way to garner more knowledge about the world around you, and you’ll never have a hard time learning. If you want to maximize this school year, here are a few things you should pay close attention to.

1.       Figure Out Your Learning Style

Rasmussen University notes that there are four different types of learners:

  • Reading/Writing: These learners learn through the traditional methods of reading a text and writing notes down in class.
  • Kinesthetic/Tactile: These learners usually require actions to tie to their learning process
  • Auditory: These students are best in places where they can hear and remember things, so lecture halls are the best setting for their type of learning
  • Visual: Some students remember graphs better than they remember text, and these form the core group of visual learners

Knowing your learning type will help you figure out the best approach for remembering important information in class. Even if your classes don’t support your learning style, you can study in your own way more effectively by knowing what works.

2.       Build a Realistic Plan

Study plans are an excellent way to develop habits that will help you throughout your career. Figure out which subject is your strongest and which is your weakest, then dedicate more time to the weakest subject. Many students fall into the trap of studying their favorite subject, but this skews your learning in one direction.

Instead, cover your subjects with the same details across your entire curriculum. Set aside time each day to study, and try not to let anything cut into that time. This dedication creates a habit you will reinforce, making it easier to find time to review your work.

3.       Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Motivation can be complex for a student, especially when the final goal is graduation with a good GPA. One of the best ways to keep motivated is to set short-term and long-term goals. Each subject has a series of topics that it needs to cover over the semester.

Short-term goals might be as simple as understanding each topic in enough detail to write an entire essay. Some lecturers set quizzes to help students realize where they are weakest, but you can use those to test your knowledge of the subject. Your long-term goals might be having a great GPA at the end of the academic year or ending up on the Dean’s List for high academic scores.

4.       Keep Up With Your Homework

Homework is the bane of most students. However, it does serve a practical purpose. Lecturers set homework to reinforce the ideas a student may have started learning in class. So, for example, a student may have started on a topic but not fully grasped how it works.

Homework gives students a practical method of working through their problems independently and coming to the teacher to figure out what they missed. Unfortunately, sometimes homework is just a way for lecturers to occupy students. In such a case, a homework help website might be helpful. You could simply get the homework done while you spend time learning other, more important topics.

5.       Forge Strong Relationships

Many students, especially today, think they can do it all independently. The sad reality is that this isolationist thinking only ends in disaster. You will need support from your coursemates sometimes.

Study groups and groups for projects are two examples of the support you could get from your classmates. Learning who they are and forging bonds with them will help you to learn from them. They’ll be more inclined to help you overcome difficulties and guide you in their learning methodology when you do.

Consider forging solid relationships with lecturers as well. They can come in handy for extra support, advice, or professional guidance. You never know when you may need your lecturer’s advice after you leave school.

6.       Don’t Stress Yourself Out

Stress can lead to mental fatigue and burnout. Many students have a hard time juggling their courses and their stress levels. Unfortunately, when stress hits its high point, it can cause a student to have a mental breakdown.

Managing stress means compartmentalizing your work time. Take breaks while studying to ensure your brain doesn’t get burnt out. Consider having a hobby you can throw yourself into sometimes to change the learning flow. If your brain feels buzzed and you’re not internalizing anything, take a walk and change your surroundings. Each of these can help you keep up with your learning while preserving your mental health.

7.       Know How To Use Your Tech

Smartphones and laptops are all over campuses today, and while they can be helpful, the most fun parts of these devices are for leisure and entertainment. Your technology can make or break your school year, and all it takes is a week or two to lose yourself in them. The pace of learning can make it hard to catch up when you get to that point, so knowing your tech boundaries and how to use electronic devices to aid you is crucial.

Many smartphones come with “digital well-being” apps that block access to specific applications for a time or only schedule usage for a few hours. Use these to keep yourself focused and not overdo your social media consumption. Laptops can also put themselves into “Zero Notifications” mode, ensuring that you can focus on what you’re doing without notifications distracting you.

8.       Make Sensible Rules

Self-discipline is a critical element to having a successful academic year. However, self-discipline only works if the rules you set make sense and are realistic. A rule like “study for 5 hours each night” seems powerful and life-changing on paper but quickly leads to burnout, resentment, and a lack of direction.

If you want to do something that doesn’t involve work, you should balance it with some work time. How you do that is entirely up to you, but keep it realistic. Don’t set lofty rules since it would be just as bad as if you didn’t have any in place.

Taking Your Education Seriously

One of the most impressive things about modern education is how much of it you’re responsible for as a student. For some students, this might be an overwhelming idea. For others, it can be exciting. Taking your responsibility as a student seriously helps you to keep your GPA up while maintaining an excellent work-life balance.

Setting these boundaries early in your career will give you an advantage later in life. While these tips could help you have a successful academic year, they can also be applied well beyond your school years. During your next academic year, it may be worth trying to see how well they work.