If you’re a) feeling lucky and b) have an appetite for some nightlife then Sheffield won’t see you far wrong. There are plenty of gambling and gaming options to choose from that provide a good range of thrills….
Viva Las Vegas!
Most obviously there’s Sheffield’s casino scene. OK, it’s not exactly Las Vegas or Monte Carlo but it’s nothing to be sniffed at. The Genting Casino goes for that Integrated Resort model that’s so popular in Singapore at the moment, albeit on a smaller scale; so, alongside all the gaming options (slots, classic table games and roulette) are a restaurant and three bars.
The nice thing about this sort of set-up is that it makes for a really sociable evening out, rather than a night of pure gaming. There’s also Grosvenor Casino and Napoleons Casino, of course, which both take a similar approach in that they always attempt to provide visitors with a well-rounded package. They also serve up some great food that’s perfect after an adrenalin-pumping session!
Owlerton Stadium
Greyhound racing had a slightly grotty image at one time but it’s not like that now. True, you won’t see top hats and tails at Owlerton, it’s not Ascot, but you’ll definitely see a great time on a Tuesday, Friday or Saturday night.
If you’ve never been before then you’re missing out as it’s actually Yorkshire’s top greyhound track and always has a good atmosphere. Again, the nice thing about this venue is that you can make it a really sociable time with a small group. There’s the option to just place a few fun, low-value bets and try your luck on a dog with a funny name, or alternatively to bring a more trained eye to your betting here and attempt to come away with some big $$$.
Home comforts
We all know that in 2018, staying in is the new going out. With the likes of Netflix, Deliveroo and Spotify rivalling the appeal (and effort!) of the wider world it’s really no surprise that this is the current trend.
Additionally, though not always included in a classic night in, the iGaming options are very tempting these days. With free EGT slots close at hand and easily played from your favourite spot on the sofa the whole range of entertainment really is covered. Obviously the atmosphere isn’t quite the same as you’d find in a casino, but as with all these home entertainment services it’s the classic trade-off: convenience and comfort for the sights, sounds and smells of real life!
So whatever your preference when it comes to gambling and gaming, from the canine to the domestic, Sheffield’s got you covered. Just remember to gamble responsibly and enjoy yourself!