The ukulele is a stringed instrument that comes in four different sizes, these are the soprano, concert, tenor, and baritone. The ukulele, similar to other instruments, is made in a variety of wood types and shapes dependant on both the budget of the buyer, and the sound that they are looking for.
You can read a full baritone ukulele buying guide here.
The soprano is the smallest and traditional size of ukulele measuring 20 inches (51cm) in length, it is the most known size and produces the sound that is most associated with the classic ukulele sound.
The second smallest ukulele, the concert ukulele measures 23 inches (58 cm). The body of the instrument is larger with a longer neck, and more room between each fret meaning that the overall playability of the instrument is increased. It is slightly louder than the soprano, and still produces the ukulele sound that most know.
The size in between the baritone and the concert ukulele is called the tenor. It measures 26 inches (66cm) in length, and sounds quite different to the others – in that it is closer to that of a guitar as opposed to the sound that most associate with the ukulele.
The largest ukulele is called the baritone. It has the deepest tone, and is the closest to sounding like a guitar. Since most people buy a ukulele for its unique sound, the baritone is the least popular as it sounds very much like a classical guitar.
Before buying a baritone ukulele, you should consider which wood you would like it to be made from, and which brand you would like it to be made by:
Wood: Similar to guitars, ukuleles come made in variety of woods. Baritone ukuleles are constructed out of either solid or laminated wood, the choice of these will have a great effect on the sound that your ukulele makes. Laminate wood refers to thin layers of would that has been compressed together to make one thicker piece, and is typically found on lower end ukuleles as it does not produce anywhere near as good a sound as solid wood, which are far more resonant but more expensive. The type of wood that you choose for your baritone ukulele should be based on how you plan to use it, for example, if you plan to play outdoors it would be best to choose a laminate option since it is not as adversely affected by changes in the atmosphere surrounding it. Laminate options are also easier to keep clean and maintained.
When looking to purchase a baritone ukulele, it is advisable to research the different woods from which they are made, and opt for the best from the range that you can afford. If you can afford to spend upwards of $40-$50 on your ukulele it is recommended, since even those slightly better than starter options boast considerably better build quality and usability. Of course as is the case with any instrument, before buying your baritone ukulele it is important to try playing it at a music shop to find out if you like it.