Privacy online is a scarce thing indeed. All sorts of characters can access your data online if you do not take the appropriate steps. If you want your information to be safe, your private life to stay private and your money to stay in your bank account then you need to take a hard look at how vulnerable you are when you surf the web.
Virtual Private Networks allow you to route your internet use through remote servers. This hides your IP address – a unique code that can be used to locate your computer as it sends and receives information. Hiding your IP address is definitely worthwhile. Hackers, government agencies and advertisers can use your location to incriminate you, threaten you or use your data for advertising purposes. VPNs essentially throw the hounds off the scent. Downloading an appropriate Mac or Windows VPN is essential for online privacy.
Keep Your Email Address And Bank Details To Yourself
Your email address and bank details should be kept close to your chest. Never send your bank details to somebody online – even a trusted friend or partner. This isn’t because they might steal your information themselves, but because the information can be easily intercepted if either party has not taken plenty of safety precautions. Likewise, the email address that you use on social media can be used to crack your passwords.
Use Secure Wi-Fi
No matter how careful you are with your information, your privacy is completely compromised if you use unsecured Wi-Fi to send confidential information. Unsecured public wireless internet is a goldmine for hackers and extortionists. It is remarkably easy to use an open internet connection to gain access to other people’s data. Try and limit your use of public Wi-Fi and never send anything over it that you want to keep private.
Use Secure Passwords
One of the simplest and most effective ways that malicious actors can compromise your privacy online is by guessing or cracking your password. It is very important that you use unique and complex passwords, and frequently change them if you lose control of an account online. Google have released some handy tips on creating strong passwords.
Use Biometric Authentication
Biometric authentication processes involve the storage and confirmation of bodily features. In order to get into your computer or accounts, a user would need to provide an example of one of their unique body parts. This can be the iris, a fingerprint or the features of the face. Once this information is stored, a user can provide this information to a sensor – like a camera – and gain authentication if the information they provide matches the information they stored earlier. Biometric authentication is slowly gaining traction. It is already used in airports around the world for passport control. It is expected to have a big impact on the internet, with social media companies poised to develop ways in which biometric authentication can be implemented to protect people’s accounts.
Staying safe online has never been more important.