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10 May 2022

Exposed Magazine

One of the only good things to come out of the disruption, and in some people’s cases downright devastation, from the worldwide coronavirus pandemic is the new wave and focus on self-care and self-improvement.

If you are someone who is always putting other people’s needs before your own and feel as if you never have any free time to dedicate to yourself, then you have come to the right place. Here, for your information and of course reading pleasure, are some fabulous ideas to try on the path to self-improvement.

Stick to a Proper Routine


Although somewhat ‘boring’ one of the easiest and simultaneously most effective things to try when wanting to become the best person you can be is to re-evaluate your daily routine.

Whether you work from home and have a more flexible daily schedule, or else have to be out of the house by a certain time every weekday morning, you should always aim to get a good night’s sleep, go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up around the same time every morning.

A happy, energised and positive mindset is a lot more natural and easier to maintain when both your physical and your emotional mindsets are well-rested.

Work on Your Physical Appearance


Another exceedingly beneficial technique when looking into self-improvement is to dedicate some time and maybe even spend a bit of money, on improving those aspects of your appearance which you are currently not overly enamoured with.

Spend an evening organising your wardrobe, including loading any clothes you no longer wear into charity bags and throwing away any tired, faded or ruined items. Book yourself for a full body massage, invest in some higher-end toiletries and if you wear make-up, treat yourself to a brand-new set.

For more drastic yet impressive differences, choose a new and more modern hairstyle and/or colour and if your hair, or lack thereof, is causing you substantial stress and negative feelings, you could even consider looking into hair transplants by contacting reputable and renowned professionals such as those at HS hair clinic.

Learn Something New


Even if you feel as if you barely have time to enjoy those hobbies and extracurricular interests you are currently committed to, there is always room and time in your normal weekly routine to experiment and try something new.

Stretching yourself mentally and emotionally by stepping outside of your comfort zone will not only build your levels of self-esteem and confidence but will also allow you to be surrounded by like-minded people.

Often, most people have at least one thing that they have always wanted to try but never do, so now is the time to take the proverbial bull by the horns and give it a go! If you are stuck for something new to try, take a look at the following list for some ideas and inspiration:

  • Learning to play a musical instrument
  • Singing lessons
  • Learning a new language
  • Joining a gardening or walking
  • Setting up an online handmade business
  • Volunteering at an animal rescue centre