Ed Sheeran is preparing to continue his + – = ÷ x tour (pronounced Mathematics tour) on the 15th of January in Sakhir, Bahrain, a country in Asia, and we’ve just concluded a research of facts that will help you identify a die-hard Ed Sheeran fan when you see one.
The need for this research came to be when we compared the attendance at the mathematics tour concerts, and Ed’s previous tour, which was the “– tour” (pronounced Minus tour). We saw a great deal of difference, and that was clear enough to make us believe that Ed Sheeran has gotten additional fans to his fan base in the Mathematics tour.
We decided to dig deep to find out what makes one a die-hard fan of Ed Sheeran, just like the Swifties, who are currently the biggest fan base in the world. If you are a fan of Ed Sheeran, you’ll surely relate to these facts.
The Mathematics tour is Ed’s 4th career tour and has been a major success. A lot of media outlets reported it to be Ed’s Eras Tour, and with the scale of activities and attendance, there isn’t a perfect word to define the mathematics tour, other than “Ed’s Eras tour.”
Before we get down to business, know that there is an alternative marketplace where you can get the 2024 + – = ÷ x tour tickets, so if you need them, you can look there.
When One Knows The Dance Steps From “Thinking Out Loud”
Knowing the lyrics to a song is a primary objective of every fan, but mastering a dance step is a whole different level of love from what we find.
Ever since “Thinking Out Loud” was released by Ed in 2014, he has managed to keep up with its performance in all of his tours.
People who love Ed Sheeran reportedly mastered the dance steps in the video so that they wouldn’t disappoint Ed when he calls them to join him on stage during the song’s performance.
Surprisingly, the same song made the set-list of the mathematics tour and the dance step featured in the music video came to be one of the identifying factors of Ed Sheeran’s die-hard fans.
When One Watches “The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug” Because of Ed’s Credit Song
All the songs on the set list of the + – = ÷ x tour do not sum up to 187 minutes, which is the duration of “The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug.”
Ever since the movie came out in 2013, people who were not fans of the acting crew began to watch the movie and the reason was quite amazing.
They aimed to watch through a 187-minute-long movie, just so they could get to listen to Ed’s song, “I See Fire,” which was featured in the movie’s credit section. Such dedication classifies one as a die-hard fan of Ed Sheeran.
When One Knows The Meaning Of Ed’s Tattoos
It’s not just about knowing the meaning behind Ed’s tattoos, it’s knowing them from doing personal research. We’re not going to be stating their meaning here, but if you’re already interested in knowing the meaning, then you are also a die-hard fan of Ed Sheeran.
JSYK, Ed has not less than 62 tattoos on his skin, each with a unique meaning that will blow your mind.
When One Knows The “British Sign Language” Because of Ed’s “You Need Me, I Don’t Need You” Lyrics
There’s just something about singing a whole song using sign language, and we think it’ll take an earnest and dedicated fan who is not suffering from a case of hearing disability, to master the lyrics nonetheless.
Even though the video is an explanatory one, one will need to have a special connection with Ed to journey through mastering the signs.
“You Need Me, I Don’t Need You,” has been performed as an encore in the Mathematics tour. From the way fans match their energy through sign language, this has come to be one of the ways we identify a die-hard fan of Ed Sheeran’s craft.
When One Owns a “Black Card” Because Ed Owns One
It has been 11 years since Ed announced that he has a “Black Card,” but his fans are still relentless with their requests to Nando, for one.
We know it is only natural for fans to want to own whatever their idol owns, but Ed Sheeran fans have taken the challenge to a different level, after being consistent with their demands for 11 years.
The Nando Black Card lets its holder enjoy free meals with his or her 5 friends, looking on the brighter side; it’s truly a card worth owning.
When One Owns Many “Sheeran-Esque Flannel Checked Shirts”
The mathematics tour concerts in 2023 were filled with people dressed exactly like Ed Sheeran and that is aside from Sheeran’s tour merchandise.
This is because a lot of people now substitute their normal shirts for “Sheeran-Esque Flannel Checked Shirts.” The shirt does not feature a unique design, but it is receiving global recognition because of Ed Sheeran.
From another perspective, it isn’t the first time Ed has influenced the economy. Remember the Nando Black Card?
When One Can Name Every of Ed’s Guitars
Ed Sheeran is a known lover of guitars. He even has his brand, which is the “Sheeran by Lowden Guitars.” Taking note of this, Sheeran fans are also identified by their ability to name all of his personally owned guitars.
So far, we know that there is Cyrill, Felix, Nigel, and Lloyd. Since we’ve listed them out for you, even if you didn’t know them initially, the fact that you do now means you’re now officially a die-hard fan of Ed Sheeran. 😉
When One Owns “Four” By One Direction Because of Ed’s “18”
Ever since the news that Ed wrote one of the tracks on One Direction, 4th studio album, “Four,” came out in 2014, we saw a surge in the purchase of the album.
“Four” immediately became 2X platinum in the UK after selling over 600k units, and we believe some of these buyers are Ed’s die-hard fans because of the album’s No.4 track, “18.”
When One Loves Cats Because of Graham, Ed’s Cat
Graham was the name of Ed’s famous cat. Ed had featured Graham in some of the videos posted on his Instagram account, which now serve as memories both Ed and his fans can use to remember the cat which died in 2019, while Ed was on tour.
Before and after Graham’s death, a lot of Ed’s die-hard fans have been identified by their newly found love for a cat, such as Graham, with some going to the extent of giving their cat the same name as Ed’s cat.
When One Cries The Moment Ed Sings “Small Bump”
The last identifying factor of an Ed Sheeran fan is one’s reactions the moment Ed sings “Small Bump.” The song is important to Ed because it is about his friend. The lyrics carry the bitter lamentations of the loss of a baby, 5 months into the pregnancy.
This reason is why Ed’s true fans can’t control their emotions whenever the song is played since they know how important the song is to Ed, and also the inspiration of the lyrics.