When you first thought of investing in loose diamonds, you probably were not aware of how difficult the diamond-buying process is for a first-time buyer. From understanding the 4 Cs to knowing the importance of GIA-certified diamonds, there is so much you have to get familiar with first. The shape of the diamond is a vital factor that should be taken into consideration. Thus, next a bit on the popular shape – princess cut is discussed for the ultimate satisfactory shopping experience with Rare Carat. So, do keep on reading!
A Look Back at the Rich History of Princess Cut Diamonds
In the quest to come up with a brilliant and lively alternative to the classic round shape for diamonds, the famous diamond cutter, Arpad Nagy created this specific cut during the 1960s. Originating from London, this cut has held the 2nd favorite choice/position for all diamond and engagement ring buyers for decades now.
Princess cut evolved from the widely popular French Cut but with a twist. While a rough diamond’s shape resembles two pyramids joined together, the shape of a princess cut is similar to 2 upside-down pyramids. This is because; to achieve this shape, the diamond is cut right across the middle. Technically, the shape of such a diamond is officially defined as “square modified brilliant” by experts and diamond enthusiasts.
According to some historians, the history of this shape dates back to the 14th century. However, it became a household name during the early 1980s when famous celebrities started to rock engagement rings and red-carpet jewelry featuring princess-cut diamonds.
Characteristics of princess cut diamonds
When you choose America’s favorite ring marketplace, you can rest assured you will get a princess cut in its best form, meaning it will have up to 76 small facets. The method used to create this shape happens to provide more mass or yield from a rough diamond compared to the other popular diamond shapes. While you get .40 carats of the round diamond from a rough diamond of 1 carat, with a princess cut, you can expect .50 carats out of a 1-carat rough diamond. There is less wastage in princess cuts as the method does not disturb the natural square shape of buy diamonds loose diamonds.
The method of creating this specific shape also helped the shape to cost less than the popular round ones. So, if you want to get the best value for your money, consider going for princess-cut lab-grown diamonds as they will be cheaper. For example, Princess Cumot Diands | Rare Carat (natural, 1 carat, VS1 clarity, and G color) will cost 1/3 to ¼ more than Rare Carat princess cut lab-grown diamonds with the same specifics (1 carat, VS1 clarity, and G color).
Get to know www.RareCarat.com
May it be a natural or lab-grown princess cut loose diamond, if you can get your hands on a certified brilliant one of the highest qualities, you can enjoy all the advantages the shape can offer. Not only this particular shape is known for costing less (around 30%) than the round shape, but it appears larger than rounds as well. Their large diagonal measurement is responsible for the elongated appearance.
When you consider Rare Carat, your GIA-certified princess cut loose diamond will go through an advanced laser inscription verification to ensure you are properly informed about your purchase. Rare Carat is quite popular on both Trustpilot and Google Business Profile with a 4.9 out of 5 review ranking. Thus, you can rest assured your purchased princess cut diamond will come with insured free shipping, a 100% money-back guarantee, and free 30-Day returns. If you are interested in adding a ring set with the diamond purchased, you will be provided with the benefit of a free 90-Day resizing along with the other benefits mentioned.
Finding the best deals on princess cut diamonds from www.RareCarat.com
Do take into consideration Rare Carat’s AI Price and Quality Check to ensure you have filtered effectively to find the most suitable princess-cut loose diamonds. Each filtering option provided will come with guidance that can help you to select the best from the available options. For example, the “Shape” filter will have information on the different available diamond shapes in Rare Carats. So, check out their information on the princess cut for more.
If you are still confused about the options available on the site, consider the available unbiased input by GIA-certified gemologists. Rare Carat happens to be America’s most reliable online source for unbiased advice for diamond engagement rings. Thus, taking advantage of this is highly recommended for a pleasant and informed shopping experience.
To Conclude
Ready to purchase your first princess-cut diamond now? Great, all you have to do is check out Rare Carat to find the best deal on high-quality, certified natural, or lab-grown diamonds. From guidance every step of the way to consultation from expert gemologists to added benefits, Rare Carat has simplified yet enhanced the process to buy diamonds. So, do check out the site right now for more!