Putting on a good old fashioned poker face may not be easy for many people. As a matter of fact, it may take years of practice for some people to perfect. But even having a strong poker face may not keep you from the influence that a live dealer’s clothing may have on your gameplay. Whether you are playing in a real land casino or you are playing an online live casino game of your choosing, the colours and type of clothing of the live croupier or dealer may make or mar your game. This article highlights those effects that live dealer’s clothing may have on your overall playability.
#1: Red Coloured Clothing May Make You More Aggressive
Over the years, there have been studies to prove that certain colours can affect the mood of people. One of such colours known to make people a bit more aggressive is the colour red. When a live dealer wears predominantly red clothing it may make you play in a more aggressive manner. Playing aggressively has its upside, but then again it also has its downside. When you play with aggression or anger even, you tend to make rash decisions. You will become a spontaneous and impulsive gambler, taking u necessary risks that you ordinarily would not have. This, my friend, is a no, no in the world of casino gambling.
#2: Piercings, Tattoos And Loose Dressing May Distract You
Fancy playing a game of Chelsea Palace Roulette and a female live croupier exposes her cleavage and throws you off your initial game plan. Maybe you wanted to make an Outside Bet which is less risky, but then you end up placing a Straight Up bet with lesser odds. When a live dealer exposes sensitive body parts it does have a way of distracting players. The effect is no different from revealing tattoos and body piercings. It may be difficult staying focused on the game at hand rather than looking at the live dealer more often than not.
#3: Very Sharp And Attractive Dressing Can Make You Play With Extreme Caution
Whenever you come across a live dealer whether male or female dressed in very sharp and attractive clothing, you may feel that they are out to play a fast one on you. The fear of being cheated in that live casino game may force you to tread with extreme caution. You will play more cautiously than you would normally do which may make you miss out on really good opportunities when they arise. Try to focus on the game and not the way the live dealer is dressed.
#4: Neutral Colours Tend To Get You More Relaxed Than Usual
Being relaxed when playing a live casino game is a good thing. However, when you are too relaxed you may tend towards being sloppy and careless with your gambling decisions. When the clothing of a live croupier or dealer consists of neutral colours or even predominantly pink, you are more likely to be very relaxed when playing and the colours may disarm you. Remember that you are playing against the live dealer and so it is their job to ensure that you lose and they win for the house. So always try to exercise the right level of focus, aggression, caution and steadiness to ensure that you make the right gambling decisions in favour of your game.