Learning how to play a musical instrument is beneficial to kids in so many ways, as well as being lots of fun for them. These benefits do not just last during childhood, they actually continue all the way through their adult life also. For instance, those kids and adults that are musically trained have a greater level of listening skills than those individuals who are not. Because it fires up both sides of the human brain, it forces a kid to concentrate on a number of different tasks all at once.
It is clear to see then that teaching your kid how to play a musical instrument is a life skill that they most definitely should be picking up. However, this raises the question as to what instrument should they learn. Whilst this ultimately comes down to the personal choice of the parent or the kid, some of the most fun and easiest ones are listed below.
Ideal for those kids to learn to play who are aged between 6 and 13 years of age, the recorder takes a certain level of control of the breath, as well as requires a great deal of concentration. Of all of the woodwind instruments, this one is the easiest, so it is a good one to start off with.
Aimed more at those kids between the ages of 11 and 18 years old, this instrument is a good starter for any kid wanting to get into playing brass instruments. Learning to play the trumpet requires a kid to have the strength in their lungs to be able to blow hard into it whilst also holding it in place for a great amount of time.
Learning to play the guitar is best done between the ages of 11 and 18 years of age. Because it is relatively easy and really cool, lots of kids naturally gravitate towards playing it. Learning how to play the instrument is very useful in teaching them how to both read and play music. Once mastered, electric guitars are the next musical instrument that many kids reach for to play.
This instrument is more aimed at those kids between the ages of 6 and 13 years old. The reason for this is because it is quite difficult and requires a certain level of dexterity in hands. One benefit of learning to play the piano is that it greatly improves a kid’s fine motor skills, their confidence and self esteem, reduces their stress levels, and helps to develop their concentration skills.
Other musical instruments that are good for kids to learn how to play include the xylophone, hand percussion instruments like rattles and bells, the ukulele, the drums, the violin, and the flute. Whilst there is often the opportunity for kids to play these types of instruments within a school setting, it may be the case that paid for outside tuition is required in order for them to really excel at playing any of the above mentioned instruments.