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28 April 2021

Exposed Magazine

Music used to be deemed as a rich person’s hobby or interest but in today’s world of technology, this is no longer true. Music holds many benefits for children and adults alike, with many positive aspects being brought into everyday life.

When looking into music, many people associated musical instruments with orchestras in the past. Nowadays it is associated with bands or pop stars. Music comes in many ways from vocals to guitar lessons, piano or drums, the variety of musical instruments that are available to learn are endless.

If you’re considering getting your child involved in learning an instrument, look online at how this can be done. Things like learning the guitar, for instance, can be learned online in an easy manner. Look at sites that have readily available music online an example of this could be if you wanted to learn some famous music someone like Elton John, would be a good starting point so you could look up elton john chords. This would appear as chords only, which would strip the chords only to make it easier to learn.

What does your child want to learn?

What does your child want out of learning the instrument? Do they want a hobby or is this something that can help with a career in the future? Make sure that this is what they want to learn and it isn’t something that you want to push on them. If you push the chosen instrument onto a child rather than letting them learn what they want to, it probably won’t work.

Music can have a very good impact on your child’s mental well being so not letting them learn the instrument of choice, will only have a negative impact. Music can be so much fun, especially when learning or it can be a tedious task that you force your child to learn for a set amount of hours every week.

Hobbies are only fun under the right circumstances so it’s not worth turning this into a war that in the long run, you will lose anyway. The effort comes with enjoyment and the best effort your child will put in is when they are having fun and being creative in their learning.

Just because you may not agree with their choice of the instrument does not mean you can’t be an active part of their learning. When your child is taking to learning new songs or music, ask them if they could learn something that you would love to hear. Give them a choice of songs you may be familiar with and let them pick. They will probably be itching to get started on learning it.

Fun while learning

Getting the most out of learning to play music, is something that can consume all the spare time available. There may be clubs at school that can be joined or a local band that needs what your child has, ask your child what they want? 

Set clubs will steer away from basic learning and will introduce like minded children who want to have a more active social life. Some children struggle when it comes to socializing, but learning music may help them become the social butterfly they want to be. Remember that not all children like to interact all the time so if this is not for them let them express themselves in the way they see fit.

If your child is thriving using the newfound instrument and you have it on hire, look into if it is more affordable to buy one. This does not have to just be given over as a random gift, it could be made a Christmas or birthday gift why not buy a costume to match? Music will encourage your child’s imagination which will start to be demonstrated through their love of music.

Music is one of the varied ways a child can express themselves freely without judgment or stigma to what they are doing. Maybe what your child will demonstrate are things that can not be expressed to you through words. This taken into account, your child’s music is how they feel so they should not be told off for this.

Children with special needs 

Special needs come in all shapes and forms and just because others can not see it does not mean it is not there. Children develop at different rates, in different ways, physically and mentally.

A child with special needs mentally, is no different from a child with special needs physically, but because the special needs they have can not be seen doesn’t mean it should be ignored. Studies have shown that children who have special needs develop their emotions by using music.

Children with sound and sensory issues can be seen to find comfort in some forms of music, sometimes this may be shown in discomfort. If a child is unaware of how to express how they feel emotionally then music can be the most accurate way of getting across to you what they need.

Many parents in the very same predicament as you look at forums or help sites with regards to what special need your child may have. Sites online, local hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, and youth centers will be able to advise with musical classes or groups that can help assist your child’s needs.

What instruments can children learn?

All instruments can be taught, there is no limit on what instrument your child should or should not learn. There may be some physical aspects of your child’s abilities that may have an impact but as a rule, children seem to find a way around these problems.

George Dennehy did just that when at the tender age of 8 years old, he learned to play the cello with his feet, after learning the cello, he dived into learning the piano and the guitar. George is recognized throughout the world for the awareness he has raised for having been born with no arms and the successes he has managed. He has played in front of many large audiences.

Stevie Wonder is a famous musician, he has made a fantastic and very lucrative career in his music success. Stevie Wonder is not only famous for being a musician but he is also famous for being blind, having been born prematurely resulting in complications with his health. Stevie Wonder is not only a singer but he is a songwriter as well.

Disabilities do not have to stop your child from learning, in fact, many children will use their other senses to help them compensate for what may seem like a disadvantage to others. Many famous musicians have forged successful careers in music that you are probably unaware even have a disability.


what stage your child is at isn’t of importance because music can be an educational way of learning. It is a very good way of stimulating your child’s mind, using creativity, discipline, skill, and memory. This helps develop life skills to a very high standard in some circumstances.

No matter what physical or mental capacity your child is working, if they show an interest in music let them develop that. If it isn’t something that they are very good at but enjoy it anyway, let them develop in other ways like improving hand/eye coordination skills, or emotional developments.

Look into online classes and forums to help encourage or teach your child about musical instruments. Using the correct speed and ability range will project their development rate to its very best. Picking the correct instrument is important for getting the best possible success rate. 

Creativity will come as your child develops in many ways sometimes happy, sometimes sad in the way that the music is portrayed. Let this come in its natural way, the more your child expresses themself, the happier and more able they are going to be in being able to start showing their feelings.

Have fun with your child while they are learning, just because the instrument may not have been one you would have chosen does not mean this is wrong. Getting involved does not have to mean interfering, you can have music suggestions help with practice sessions or even buy them a costume but remember if you put pressure on them this is not always going to lead to success.