It may seem far away, during dark days of February, but summer is just around the corner. A few months of labouring and we will find ourselves under the scorching sun. It is a great time, when you can get away to the beach or the countryside, but inside the city, it is not always easy to remain cool and comfortable. Here are a few ideas that will help you go through the warmest of summer days.
Dress accordingly
Dress codes have changed radically throughout the last few years. Nowadays, you can go to work at the office dressed more lightly. But good taste should never be out of style. Also, keep in mind that the way you dress can be quite revealing about who you are, so either embrace it fully or make sure to keep professional and personal clothes separate. But whether you are at work or not, there will be no issue wearing the beautiful summer dresses that will be in style when warm days will arrive. Lots of floral patterns will be found on jersey dresses and skirts, this year. These will definitely keep women cool and comfortable, all summer long.
Adopt Good eating and drinking Habits
This may be the most important aspect to take care of, if you don’t want to suffer from the heat. Our eating and drinking habits have a strong influence on the way our body feels and how it reacts to temperature. Most people don’t tend to drink enough water, throughout their day. That is even more true in summer, as we need to increase our intake. The simple fact of being well-hydrated will make the most difference, when it comes to keeping cool. Then, watch what you eat. Big meals may be advisable in wintertime, but certainly not when you have to walk under a hot sun. Go green and eat lots of salads. If you aren’t used to this type of diet, learn online the many ways you can prepare them. Chances are you will probably become addicted to them, afterwards.
Know when to go Out
If you ever visited Spain or Italy, you probably wondered where everybody goes, between the hours of 12h and 16h, in summertime. They were actually home. In these countries, people have understood, long ago, that staying under the sun, during these critical hours of the day, is not good for the body. It also conserves their energy, which is quite clear when you meet them, in the evening. Spaniards will only go to bed at one or two in the morning, during the warmest months of the year.
Cool Down Your Pressure Points
There are very specific parts of your body that can be cooled down, to generate the same effect all over it. It is a little-known fact that by applying ice or a cold bottle of water on certain precise points, you will get your temperature to go down immediately. These are: ankles, behind the knees, the wrists, elbow bends, your neck as well as your temples. If you have ice or cold water near you, don’t hesitate to do this a few times during the day, to keep the extreme warmth of the city away, so you can remain cool and comfortable all summer long.