It’s been 2 years since Coldplay embarked on the “Music of the Spheres” world Tour, yet the world doesn’t seem to get enough of them. The tour which started within the coastlines of Costa Rica on the 18th of March 2022 has surprisingly travelled across the oceans, and to an extent, into the galaxy as well, as is the intention of Coldplay, right from time.
With more than 132 out of 177 shows done and dusted, Coldplay have added to their collection, many different types of awards that range from broken attendance records in venues they have performed in before, and also from charts that their album, the “Music of the Spheres” has topped within 1 week of its release.
Coldplayers also showed their might during the tour as songs on the album continued to receive more traffic. This is because “Music of the Spheres” is the album associated with the “Music of the Spheres World Tour” and the arrangement of the setlist created a perspective for them that they must’ve missed when the album was released initially.
Sadly, what is now tagged one of the greatest organised live performances by a British band in the world will soon come to an end, and 2024 seems to be in a hurry to see that happen. Coldplay has been on break since February this year. But, the British band will resume the tour by June, which is almost here. Before the time comes, we’d like y’all in Germany to be prepared to host them, as it wouldn’t take long before they bring the “Music of the Spheres World Tour” to Düsseldorf on the 20th of July, 2024.
Also in a bid to ensure you enjoy the last remaining days of the “Music of the Spheres World Tour,” we decided to share with y’all 5 things to know before seeing Coldplay in Düsseldorf. Before we get down to business, we have here an alternative tickets marketplace, where you can easily get Coldplay Düsseldorf tickets. As they say, “It is better to make hay while the sun still shines.
Rock Comfortable Shoes To The Concert
You’ll be standing most of the time at a Coldplay concert, while engaged in other activities such as jumping, dancing and even moving from one place to the other within the concert venue. When you engage in such activities, and not in a comfortable shoe, you’ll hate the feeling you get from your feet for the rest of the evening.
What is an uncomfortable shoe? Uncomfortable shoes are kicks that hurt your toes when you walk, dance or jump. They do not offer good arch support, or ankle support which is important to your legs when you do all the twisting and turning in the concert.
Attending a Coldplay concert in comfortable shoes can be the only right thing you do to ensure you enjoy yourself, without any potential health complications. Luckily for you, there are many amazing and good-looking shoes you can choose to complete your outfit for the night.
There are shoes with good arch support and perfect sole grip. Some offer good ankle support, with a toe guard – which comes in handy since concerts are usually crowded and people step on people, unintentionally. Above all, if you can get a pair of shoes that offer all 4 features, then you’re better off with those.
Be At Merkur Spiel-Arena As Early As Possible
There’s always a rush of adrenaline when you attend a concert as big as the “Music of the Spheres World Tour,” regardless of whether it’s your first time or not.
By the time you gain access to the stadium or concert venue – in this case, Merkur Spiel-Arena, and you see Coldplay’s support act, Janelle Monáe or Zoe Wees rocking the stage, the feeling becomes intense and you’ll be left with no choice but to scream or react in the craziest way possible. That is because you got access to the stadium on time, with your energy reserve still intact.
In a situation whereby you attend the concert a little bit late and you spend long minutes or hours at the gate due to the extremely long queue. By the time you get access to the stadium, it will have been Coldplay on the stage performing.
This is a good thing, nonetheless. However, at that time, you can say bye to your energy reserve. This extensively means that the excitement will be missing, or incomplete. You can also kiss the adrenaline rush goodbye because you’ll be exhausted from the queue.
When you don’t turn up at Merkur Spiel-Arena on time, it’ll be a “version” of you that will be trying to catch your breath by the time you finally get into the arena. Do yourself a favour and be at Merkur Spiel-Arena as early as possible.
Get A Pair Of Ear Plugs
One thing that makes concerts interesting is the chance that we get to be ourselves there. Once there, we get to scream our lungs out, shout the lyrics of each song on the setlist of the tour and above all, listen to each song in the loudest way possible without the fear of our neighbours calling the cops on us for disturbing their peace.
However, all that excitement can be short-lived if the noise becomes too much for your eardrums to bear. It wouldn’t make sense to attend a concert today, and end up in the ear care centre because your ear drums gave up to the overwhelming waves emitted from Coldplay’s “d&b V-Series loudspeakers.”
Play safe and get yourself and any other person who will be attending the concert with you, a pair of earplugs. This will come in handy when the music gets too loud and you need to quiet things down a bit while in Merkur Spiel-Arena.
Take An A4 Sized Clear Bag
Just in case you missed this, know that you’re also allowed to bring along a small bag to Coldplay’s concert. The size of the bag must be equivalent to an A4. And the colour must be transparent. Sticking to these 2 factors will ensure you don’t spend much time with the security while at the gate.
In a situation where you end up with a coloured bag, you’ll be asked to exchange it with a clear one that you’ll have to buy at the entrance. Know from here that the price will be a wicked one. Additionally, if you happen to carry a bag that is bigger than A4, the same option will be given to you. That is to change your bag to an A4-sized one and a clear one.
You can save yourself the stress from now, and get a bag from home that fits these 2 criteria, and is sold at a reasonable price.
Make Sure Your Devices Are Fully Charged
Last but not least, ensure your devices are fully charged. Having a charged phone at Merkur Spiel-Arena means you don’t have to look for your buddies after the concert is over when you can just hit them up through your phone.
You can also use your phone to save beautiful moments from the tour that might come unexpectedly. This way, you can easily reflect on them and be glad you saved them.