Since the eruption of Esports, aka, professional competitive video gaming into the mainstream entertainment scene, the industry has mostly been a man dominated one. Given that it’s because of what everyone’s concept of video gaming has been since its emergence, usually pitted out to be an activity for male figures or whichever other reason, when it comes to video gaming, especially now professional organized video gaming, the playing fields have always been lacking more of a female presence. Now, as the industry continues to grow, with professional teams and tournaments where fans can even bet on Esports, one question arises, isn’t it time for there to be a stronger female representation in the professional Esports scene?
What Are The Issues In Hand For Women In Esports
The Esports industry is one that has seen a meteoric growth as time has gone by with revenue streams as well as its popularity on a constant rise without any sign of stopping soon. But everywhere you look, be it with Esports athletes and prominent figures, event producers, promoters and video game creators, the scene is very male centric, leaving women with not enough room to truly experience and grow in the Esports movement. While women are just as capable as men to be able to perform at the best level in the competitive video gaming scene, there have always been some unwritten and unspoken rules that make the Esports industry out to be one where male competitors are more welcomed than female.
Various forms of toxic behaviors have made professional women video gamers stray away from joining top ranking competitive video gaming tournaments and leagues, having to come up with their own female only video gaming tournaments. Be it from being witnesses or victims of sexist incidents as well gender-specific socialization, the Esports industry has historically lacked in its efforts to make their playing grounds ones where gender equality is key for succeeding. It is said that while a big percentage of casual video gaming fanatics are female, when it comes to pursuing a career in professional video gaming, women are at a loss both in numbers and importance.
Video Games Are Universal and Unisex, Something Very Easy To Understand
One of the main problems but at the same time one of the first steps towards being able to make Esports a more gender equal activity is to simply understand that video games are for anyone and everyone wanting to participate and enjoy. While there are studies that show that there are differences in gaming preferences between men and women, not truly understanding this information and just jumping to individualist conclusions as to what games are best for who only helps add up to the strengthening of the concept of a conversation where talking about male and female specific games is a thing.
It’s time for video gaming companies to fully grasp the concept of making gender inclusive video games, something that doesn’t seem so far fetched or out there. By making more inclusive games, all parties involved will end up winning at the end with people of all genders being welcomed into the gaming world in a more present and respectful way as well as video gaming producers as well as Esports related companies finding new revenue streams to continue growing from.
What Can Be Done To Change The Problems
Just like with any other industry nowadays, exposition and being able to have strong role models is always a great way to start. Esports athletes have become sort of the new kind of sports stars for newer generations that have taken professional video gaming as one of their favorite forms of sports entertainment. This is where women can start to gain more and more presence and strength in the Esports industry. By opening up the field more for competitive female Esports athletes who can become prominent role models for girls and women all around who enjoy video gaming and wish to pursue a career in it, the industry will only see ways of benefiting from actions like these.
Promoting the idea of all female competitive Esports teams, throwing out the idea of certain games being better fitted for men rather than women and other initiatives where the gender gaps are vanished and players and fans alike can focus on what’s important which is enjoying the thrill of playing video games, both casually and professionally will only make the Esports industry grow even stronger than it already is.