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24 July 2024

Exposed Magazine

Many people would love to be ultra-successful. It’s living the dream. Unfortunately, only a tiny fraction ever does what it takes to get there – including many of the hardest-working and most conscientious individuals. 

Therefore, this post explores how to unlock your potential for growth to tilt the scales in your favor. Understanding success principles makes it substantially more likely you will achieve it. 

Trust In Your Abilities

The first step is almost spiritual – trusting your abilities and the world. If you don’t believe you have what it takes to succeed, you won’t. 

Often the key to trusting yourself lies in your unconscious. If you can reprogram yourself from the bottom of your psyche upwards, you are more likely to work towards the things you want to achieve instead of countering them. 

Don’t be afraid to believe in your ability to learn and grow unconditionally. Throwing yourself into a skill or a discipline often reveals how malleable and smart you are. 

View difficult situations as stepping stones to your final destination when they arise. Don’t use them as an excuse to conclude anything about your skills and abilities. Usually, your instincts are too negative and undermine your long-term efforts. 

Take Action 

Next, you must take action and avoid procrastinating by setting goals. Stepping out into the void and doing something that feels uncomfortable (or even dangerous) is often the only way to grow.

Put a vision of what you want to achieve in your mind, but don’t make it too mechanical. Success is never a straight line. Instead, peer into your heart and think about what keeps driving you forward. Usually, you’ll discover that you already know what you want to do and where you want to go. Hold that vision steady in your thoughts and keep it there while working. 

If you don’t like setting grandiose goals, start with something smaller. Write down what you will achieve by the hour to make it more manageable. Breaking it into chunks keeps you motivated and consistent. 

Keep Learning

While taking this action, ready yourself for a life of continuous learning. Know that you must constantly strive to understand your enterprise and how it functions (whatever you choose to do) to master it. 

Some people find a life coach online who can help them discover more about themselves, their work, and their mission. People who’ve “been there, done that” often have sage advice to help you move forward powerfully. 

It also helps to kindle an innate sense of curiosity. Many of the most successful people are obsessed with what they do and want to understand every element inside out. Joining them will give you an edge over your less pious competition.

Make It Feel Dangerous

Unlocking your growth potential also requires doing things that feel dangerous. Staying in the safe zone will never promote personal development because it won’t challenge you. 

That’s not to say that you should be reckless. You don’t want to put yourself in unnecessary physical danger. However, you should try new things and take calculated risks. If you think something will work, give it a go and see where the world takes you. Again, it comes down to trusting yourself. 

Find Out Where You’re Strong And Weak

Another important discipline for achieving your full potential is to know where you are weak and strong. You might be deluded either way – thinking you’re good at something when you’re not, and vice versa. 

Try taking personality tests to learn more about your character. Use Myers-Briggs to discover whether you’re introverted or extroverted, intuitive or sensing, etc.

You can also take writing, numerical and logical tests. These let you know more about your raw cognitive skills and which areas you want to practice. (Usually, people focus on their existing strengths instead of applying themselves to overcome their weaknesses). 

Lastly, consider going for a professional evaluation. Psychologists and other experts can ask you questions about your thinking style and provide in-depth reports about who you are and what motivates you. 

Leverage Self-Care

Finally, being successful also requires looking after yourself. If you’re unhealthy or stressed, getting to where you want to go will be harder.  

Self-care means taking regular breaks from the action. It also means eating the right diet and getting in an exercise session daily, preferably outside. 

Once you master these techniques, you are more likely to unlock your full potential. Success is never automatic, but the people who trust the world often win.