The world was not prepared for what Coldplay demonstrated in the first and second years of the Music of the Spheres world tour. Now in their third year, there’s still room for surprises from the British band that has taken the world by surprise with their 8th career tour.
Coldplay will be taking the Music of the Spheres World Tour to Greece, Athens, where they will perform for 2 nights, on the 8th and 9th of June. The concert will be held at the popular Olympic Stadium, which is known to hold more than 75k people, when used for concert purposes, like that of Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres World Tour.
This article will be the guide you need to completely prepare for the concert ahead, regardless of whether you have attended Coldplay’s concert before or not.
We’ll cover everything you need to know about Coldplay’s Music of the Sphere World Concert in the Olympic Stadium. This will include most of the things you can bring to the concert to have a great time, without restriction of any kind.
Before we get into business, we also know that getting Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres World Tour tickets in the past weeks has not been an easy task. The tickets are usually met with unprecedented demands, making it hard for everyone to get one.
In light of this, we decided to share with you an alternative ticket marketplace where you can easily get Coldplay Athens tickets. Now, let’s get into business.
Coldplay’s Athens Concert Schedule
This will be the first time Coldplay takes the Music of the Spheres World Tour to Greece. Even though the Coldplayers in Greece have been supportive of Coldplay’s art with their 9th Studio album, “Music of the Spheres,” reaching No. 8 on Greek Albums when it was released.
Nonetheless, finally adding Athens to the list of places they will visit in Europe before rounding up the Music of the Spheres World Tour sure created an atmosphere of excitement in Greece. Be sure to get your tickets ready before the 8th and 9th of June.
What You Can Bring To Olympic Stadium
Aside from your tickets, there are a lot of things you can bring along to the Coldplay concert in the Olympic stadium. These things can enhance your entertainment while at the concert. So, let’s check them out.
Personal Camera
Research shows that people who attend concerts with their cameras tend to enjoy the show more.
Aside from the fact that you get to save your phone’s power, if you don’t multitask, by recording and updating your socials with it, since you have your camera to help with the recording, you get clearer images and moments saved in great quality, thanks to your camera.
Phone and Charger
Yes, you can bring your mobile/smartphone to the concert. This will allow you to update your socials while enjoying Coldplay’s concert. Plus, there have been multiple cases of concert attendees having a hard time finding their friends during the concert.
Your phone will help you find them easily, or perhaps, a binocular will do the job as well.
Binoculars have proven extremely effective in concerts, especially ones organized in stadiums. The shape that stadiums usually have allows concert attendees with binoculars to have a perfect view of the entire concert, regardless of where they are sitting.
You can bring one along to view Coldplay’s concert from different aspects, or not. The choice is yours to make.
Refillable Water Bottle
Not any kind of bottled water is allowed into the Olympic stadium, as there are regulations guiding things like these. However, you’ll be allowed to bring along refillable water bottles into the venue, since Coldplay has refilling stations that can help you fill out in case you’ve emptied yours.
This also tallies with the British band’s quest for a green and safe planet.
Small Bag
You can bring along your bag to Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres World Tour concert. But, the bag has to be very small like the size of an A4 paper, and you’re allowed entry with just 1 bag.
Anything bigger than A4 will not be allowed into the Olympic stadium. Plus, smaller bags will equal little waiting time at the stadium’s checking spot. So, do yourself a favour and keep things simple.
What You Can’t Bring To Olympic Stadium
There are a lot of things you’re advised not to bring along to Coldplay’s concert. Some of these things can hinder you from entering the Olympic Stadium, so ensure to keep off the items that will be listed here.
Metal Objects
Metal objects are not allowed into all Coldplay concerts because they can be harmful to other concert attendees when thrown.
In this category are; Foil paper, jewelry, nail cutters, utensils and wires. For your safety, do not bring any of the listed items.
Banners on Poles
Banners on Poles are not allowed into the concert grounds for the same reasons metal objects are rejected.
But, in this context, banners are not entirely rejected, but the poles they are mounted on, as they can be used as weapons in the concerts, or even cause accidents.
You are allowed to bring in your banners or signs as long as they do not obstruct the view of other concert attendees, and also not politically motivated.
Bottles and Cans
Bottles and Cans are not allowed into the concert grounds because they can also be used as harmful objects to harm other concert attendees.
An example is in the course of a bottle or can be thrown amid the concert. So, make sure to not bring one along as it can be confiscated by security.
Tobacco and Cigarettes
Smoking is generally not allowed at Coldplay concerts, as the band is ensuring they keep a greener earth after their concert is done. Keep all smoking outside of the Olympic stadium.
Firecrackers or Similar Objects
Firecrackers or similar objects like; smoke bombs, fireworks and explosives of any kind are not allowed into the Olympic Stadium.
Noise Making Objects
There will be plenty of music being played in Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres World Tour concert. Ensure you do not bring along any noise-making objects that will disturb or ruin the rhythm of the concert for other concert attendees.
If any of such objects are found on you, they will be confiscated and might not be returned to you, since they will be safely disposed of by the Olympic stadium security team.
Accessibility At Olympic Stadium
The Olympic stadium is extremely accessible for every Coldplay fan, so everyone can be sure to enjoy the concert.
You can refer to the Olympic Stadium’s official site for more information on how to access the stadium before or during Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres World Tour concert.
What You Can Eat At Olympic Stadium
There will be food stands at Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres World Tour. All you need to eat whatever you want during the concert is extra cash, and you’re good to go.
The Best Time To Be At Olympic Stadium
Coldplay concerts are known to start by 5:30 PM local time. The gates to the stadium are expected to be opened, 2/3 hours before this time, to allow concert attendees access to the venue before the opening acts take the stage.
In Athens, there will be 2 opening acts. Maisie Peters and Antonia Kaouri. Make sure to have the best time of your lives in Coldplay’s Music of the Spheres Concert – Athens.