Recording your music from home saves you the necessity of hiring a studio, although they will usually provide you with everything you need. However, when you are just starting out, you want time to experiment as you perfect your vocals and sound. Here is the essential equipment you need to produce quality home recordings.
Desktop and DAW
The first requirement is a desktop PC, which is your hardware. You will pair this with a digital audio workstation (DAW), which is the software you need for recording music. Whether you have a Windows-based operating system (OP) or an Apple Mac, either will work perfectly well with the DAW.
The functions of DAW software are recording audios, editing them, and MIDI editing. You can also do your mastering and mixing with it. There are many free versions of DAWs.
Some PCs are specially designed for creating audio tracks as they allow for tons of virtual instruments and all the plugins you want. As a beginner, you can perform all the basics using your normal home computer.
Audio Interface
An audio interface is also a necessity. It takes the signals from your instruments and microphone and changes them into a ‘language’ the DAW software can read. The interface directs audio to the studio monitors and into your headphones.
Audio interfaces team up with audio driver software that connects the interface and PC. A MIDI interface is optional but instead of playing notes, you provide instructions for the notes.
Alternatives to the interface are a USB microphone, an adaptor connected to the PC, an old-school tape recorder, and virtual instruments.
Headphones are an essential requirement if you are using a microphone to prevent the speakers from bleeding sound. Wired headphones are preferable. They should be closed-back.
Monitor Speakers
If you have ever tried to get good bass out of your laptop speakers, you would have realized that the sound quality is wholly inadequate. They just don’t hit the frequencies right and the various instruments are pretty much muffled. So, if you want good quality recordings, you will need to get monitor speakers.
If you have to make do without monitor speakers, then typical hi-fi speakers will allow you to get by. The only problem is that they don’t reflect the sound neutrally. They improve on it, but you want the authentic recording. The alternative is to use closed-backed headphones to record and open-backed headphones when you are mixing.
You have two choices of microphones for the best quality. The cheapest option is a dynamic microphone. They are the more user-friendly option and last longer than the other option, which is a large-diaphragm condenser microphone. This is the better option, but pricier.
A microphone stand might not seem that necessary as you could just hold the mike. At some stage, you will need your hands for your guitar, or the controls and it is simply easier. You also don’t want the inconvenience of trying to balance your microphone on something as you need it at the right height, and this should be adjustable.
Full System Options
The ideal setup is to get a full auto-tune home studio in place. These come in the form of Auto-Tune Subscription selections. This will give you all the bells and whistles for a quality recording.
This means that you can design a home studio by going straight for a full-system option or build it up piece by piece and keep adding as you gain confidence and master the equipment.