Try Googling ‘make money online’ and you will be faced with a barrage of suggestions from the decidedly unethical to the borderline ludicrous. Most involve spending more than you are ever likely to generate, and you might be left wondering if there are any real web-based opportunities at all and whether any of those internet millionaires we keep hearing about truly exist.
Yet if you look beyond the spammers and the scammers, the opportunities are out there. Here, we have done the legwork for you, and separated some genuine grains of wheat from the many tons of chaff. We can’t guarantee you will be going out and buying that new Ferrari next week, but the following ideas will definitely generate some extra spending money for a good night out.
Gambling on a lifestyle business
A lifestyle business is one where you make money doing what you enjoy, and the word gambling is used advisedly. Not because you will be risking everything, but because the proliferation of online casinos makes online gaming for money one of the most popular lifestyle businesses around. The casino database at is the best place to start, as you can use this to choose the best casinos to start making money with zero risk.
That might sound counter-intuitive to the concept of gambling, but the point is that there are so many of these sites competing for your attention that they offer lucrative no-deposit joining bonuses, meaning you are not actually gambling with your own money.
Write about what you like
They say that every one of us has a book inside us, and thanks to the internet, it is easier than ever to get your masterpiece out there. A full-on novel might be a little over ambitious, at least to start with, but if you have a talent for writing, there are plenty of sites that will pay you for good quality content.
Alternatively, if you write your own blog, perhaps about your successes at the online casino, and build up a loyal readership, there are significant opportunities to sell advertising space through apps like Google AdSense. The trick is to ensure that what you write is original, interesting and useful.
The online casino example was not tongue in cheek – remember, this is a massive growth area, and with the major TV advertising campaigns, new users are logging on every day. If you can build a reputation as an expert in, for example, blackjack strategy, the visitors will soon start flooding in.
Get paid to Tweet
If you find you spend most of your online time using social media, there is a way to make money while you are there. The sponsored Tweet is one of the latest and most innovative marketing techniques, and some major companies and brands are getting involved.
It is dead simple, all you have to do is Tweet about specific products or services and you will receive a prearranged fee. Just be careful what you Tweet about in your spare time, as your sponsor will drop you like a hot potato if you are seen as a loose cannon.