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23 January 2024

Exposed Magazine

Steeped within great history, Bingo is a traditional casino game that has been loved by many for decades.

The most traditional forms of the game are often signified by the unique callouts associated with each number.

These phrases are some of the most iconic ones you’ll hear within the casino industry and often have a specific meaning behind them.

You may hear them in some live Bingo rooms online, but they’re most traditionally heard in brick-and-mortar establishments.

But if you want to learn more about the origins behind some of the best Bingo number calls, read on…

  • Classic rhymes

Some of the most well-known Bingo calls incorporate rhymes, which are of course some of the easiest ones to remember.

For example, a common call for the number three is ‘cup of tea’ – especially in the UK!

Another rhyme that you may be familiar with is for the number four and that’s ‘knock at the door’.

You may remember these kinds of rhymes more easily, which is why many Bingo numbers incorporate a rhyming pattern.

  • How the numbers are shaped

Another common pattern for Bingo calls is naming them after what the number resembles.

For example, the common call for the number 22 is ‘two little ducks’, as the shape of the number 22 resembles two ducks.

As well as this, another best-known Bingo call is ‘legs eleven’ for the number 11, as the number resembles two legs.

Looking at the numbers you may not realise their resemblances at first, but once you do, you can never unsee them!

  • Historical significance and cultural references

Some of the most iconic calls are based on history and cultural references that you may be familiar with.

For example, in many places, the number 21 has the Bingo call ‘key of the door’, which represents the age of adulthood where many use this as a reference for now having the key to adulthood.

Another one used, especially in the UK, is for number 10. In England, the Prime Minister lives at number 10, so the Bingo call for this is ‘[Prime Minister’s name]’s den’.

Of course, these types of calls depend on where you’re playing a Bingo game, so they would be made entirely relevant.

  • Changing times and modernity

Whilst some of these already mentioned Bingo games are some of the most classic ones that you’ll hear, there are so many more…

And to adapt to changing times, some of these Bingo calls have a modern edge to get with the times.

For example, in some places, you may hear the number nine as ‘selfie time’, or the number 73 as ‘Queen Bey’ as a nod to the iconic singer Beyonce.

  • The future of Bingo calls

Bingo calls were especially popular during the game’s humble beginnings, but this doesn’t mean that you will no longer hear them anymore – especially if you’re a huge fan of them!

As Bingo continues to evolve, the Bingo calls are expected to adapt too, as there’s always room for innovation within the casino gaming industry.

More modern references and personalised calls are expected in the future, ensuring that the game has the best combination of tradition and modernity.

With a brief look at some of the most iconic Bingo calls behind the numbers, which one is your favourite?