As you plan your next business trip or vacation, you might want to consider how important it is that you get good sleep while you are away from home. While some people sleep fine when traveling, most people struggle because of the excitement they feel towards traveling and the issues they have trying to sleep in an unfamiliar room and bed.
The last thing you want to encounter during your travels is jet lag and the constant battle related to getting good sleep. It’s the surest way to detract from the experience of visiting a new place. Not sleeping well on the road could also create issues if you are trying to do business for your company. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to sleep well when traveling and wake up refreshed and ready to take advantage of your new location.
1. Avoiding Jet Lag
In order to get your trip off to a good start, you need to avoid jet lag. Jet lag is a condition that will play havoc on your body when you change altitudes and time zones within a short period of time.
To avoid jet lag, make sure you get plenty of sleep in the days prior to you traveling. Also, try to get some sleep on the plane, especially if you are traveling east to west where you may need to stay up later in the evening. While you may be tempted to rest immediately upon arrival, avoid naps at your travel destination so you won’t interfere with your ability to sleep at night.
Additionally, you can help avoid jet lag by drinking lots of water and healthy foods. Traveling is not the time to load up on greasy foods. Finally, try to avoid flights with layovers in favor of nonstop flights which allow you to better regulate your body.
2. Scrutinize Your Hotel Room
If you are planning to stay at your travel destination for more than a few days, you will want to make sure your hotel room and bed are comfortable and conducive to helping you sleep.
Before you book your hotel, look at photos and reviews to ensure the room has everything you need. Ensure the bed and mattress are comfortable and ask for additional pillows, bedding or towels that can help you better relax. Also, you might want to look around the room and close environment to see if there is anything there that might interfere with your ability to sleep such as a nearby highway or railroad. Pick a hotel and a room that is away from noise and bright lights for the best sleep.
3. Take Melatonin Supplements
Melatonin is a hormone your body creates to help you feel tired. This process is triggered in your body about two hours before you normally go to sleep. Traveling through time zones can interfere with the natural process and there is a possibility your body will struggle to create enough melatonin to help you sleep.
To supplement this natural hormone and get your body back on schedule, consider traveling with melatonin. There are different sizes and strengths so you can find the right amount that helps you sleep without making you drowsy.
4. Use Sleep Aids
Consider using sleeping aids that can help you find peace and quiet. You might also want to consider getting an eye mask and earplugs just in case your hotel room is in a busy part of the city in which you will be visiting. A sound machine that makes white noise may help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Additionally, you might want to consider taking some of your own bedding from home so that you feel more at ease with familiar materials.
5. Don’t Force Yourself to Sleep
It is quite possible that you will get caught up in the excitement of visiting a new place. That is to be expected. If you are busy in meetings or visiting tourist spots, you might not have time or the mindset to worry about sleeping. That’s okay.
What you will want to do is let your body be the guide. When you get sufficiently tired, take a nap or go to sleep. If you try to force yourself to do otherwise, that might end up being futile. All it might do is frustrate you, making it all the more difficult to go to sleep.
6. Eat for Sleep
While traveling, it’s fun and interesting to try out the local cuisine. There is nothing wrong with doing that. However, you still want to avoid eating and drinking things that could interfere with your ability to sleep. Things to avoid would include alcohol, sweets, and caffeinated drinks.
As far as what you should be eating for better sleep, you might want to try the berries and nuts that are native to the area you are visiting. Other things you should include on your menu would include oily fish, wheat bread, kiwi, high protein products like chicken, and some dairy products.
Overall, traveling should be an enjoyable time full of new memories. However, not getting enough sleep can set you up for a disappointing, grumpy, or less productive day. Take a few proactive steps to prepare for your trip, and inspect your room has everything you need like Total Blackout Cassette Blinds.