Due to lockdowns, quarantine and the Covid-19 outbreak, we’re spending more time at home. It also means that more people than ever before are trying something new and hoping to expand their talents and abilities. In fact this year, thousands of people have decided to do the one thing they’ve always wanted to accomplish: to learn to play an instrument. Here’s how you can learn the guitar online.
Perhaps you never had the chance when you were a kid, maybe you’ve been furloughed and now you have the time, or perhaps you’ve been inspired by a local or international artist on the music scene. Whatever your inspiration and whatever your instrument, there’s never been a better time to try something new.
Here we’ll explore 5 interesting tips for learning a new instrument.
Have hard copies of everything
Many budding musicians often turn to YouTube tutorials and How-To videos to get to grips with the basics. However, as useful as video is, having hard copies of this information can also help, depending on your learning style. Writing down and printing out your findings, notes, chords and hand positioning etc can help keep the information fresh and simple. If your printer is running low on ink, check out Xerox Ink for printers, here. By keeping a regular supply of printed notes, you can keep returning to them again and again, without having to re-watch long tedious videos online.
Know how long you’re going to practice for
When learning an instrument, it’s recommended that you take a break every 25-30 minutes or so. This gives the mind plenty of time to absorb what it’s learned and it gives you a chance to process it too! Avoid getting drawn into another activity such as watching TV or staring at your smartphone, consider getting some fresh air or just enjoying the silence instead!
Don’t panic if you can’t dedicate hours and hours to your project every week. Even just 15 minutes every day can help you get to grips with the basics and make progress.
Don’t demand too much of yourself
Perhaps your aim is to play your wedding song for your partner on your anniversary. That’s great, but it could be incredibly complicated and daunting for a beginner. When selecting pieces of music, always start with material composed with beginners in mind. You’re less likely to get frustrated and throw in the towel if you take your time and master the basics first.
Remember to play slowly
It’s easy to feel inspired by others who play their instruments whilst barely looking at the keys or strings and play at a high speed. However, you shouldn’t try to imitate them. Get into the habit of playing slowly and deliberately, that way you’ll recognise any mistakes you’re making straight away, rather than having to get out of bad habits further down the line.
And finally, set yourself lesson goals
Even if you only have 20 minutes to practice today, you should still set out a specific goal for every practice session. It could be to master the first couple of bars without looking at the music or play a chord correctly. Lots of little goals and wins will encourage you to continue to play and practice throughout lockdown and beyond!