Words: Eleanor Coppard
The chances are that, if you are reading this, you live in Sheffield, and already know what a wonderful city we have. We’re a progressive and inclusive bunch, and do what we can to support our own. We embrace diversity, nurture local talent, and prop each other up when times are bad – for instance, in the midst’s of a global pandemic. Since times are indeed a bit rubbish at the moment, and the world seems to be spiralling into a downward tailspin of chaos, it seems only fitting to do something to spread a bit of love and make the city shine once again.
With the Pride celebrations across the city being cancelled this year, we started a petition to request the installation of a ‘Walk With Pride’ rainbow crossing in the city centre to show solidarity and support with the LGBT+ community. These brilliant and beautiful walkways have popped up across the globe, with the first permanent UK one being fitted in 2019, in South London. Let’s be honest – anything that London can do, Sheffield can do better, so in July Sheffield City Council agreed to install a temporary rainbow crossing outside the Town Hall.
The temporary crossing looks great, and has been well received. However, the issue is just that…it’s temporary, and as fast as it came it can be taken away. We are now looking to ask the council to install a permanent crossing in the city . The proposed location will be outside the train station in order to welcome visitors to the city, with the newly redeveloped Daniel Quasar Pride flag as the adopted design (*see link below). What better way to showcase the pride we hold for our community.
On 9th September, the petition proposing the permanent pride crossing will be presented to Sheffield Council for their consideration. Support for the petition has been great, with so many people on board and helping out, (a special shout out to SAYiT, Sheffield LGBT+, BBC Radio Sheffield and the numerous councillors and MP’s who have pushed to gain the petition’s momentum).The installation will be a welcome and vibrant addition to our city so please add your signature to the petition and let’s display our northern pride together.