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26 April 2017

Exposed Magazine

Sheffield musicians have voiced their support for a brand new award aimed to showcase and encourage new music from the city.

This year sees the 10th edition of Sensoria Festival, Sensoria X, and as part of their celebrations of music and film they have created the Bouquet of Steel award.

Stephen Mallinder, formerly of Cabaret Voltaire, believes the Sheffield music scene deserves the award as a nod to its hard work.

He said: “When we first started making sounds there were no bands, artists, or even acknowledgement of Sheffield having its own scene. Music was something other people did; it came to town from ‘another place’ on its way to somewhere else. But we egged each other on, the floodgates opened and now the city’s identity and spirit is built on its music and culture. I think it’s important we recognise that and a music award seems a fitting way to keep that legacy going.”

Other artists to get behind the artists include Pitsmoor-born crooner Richard Hawley and singer-songwriter Nat Johnson.

The chosen artist/band will be offered a £2,000 fee to write new music and perform at Sensoria Festival. They will also win a day to record their work in a Sheffield studio and the Sheffield-based metal designer will be commissioned to create the award. However, they need to raise funds to make this become a reality – head here to see how you can help!