Criminal profiler and crime writer, Paul Harrison, is bringing his Let’s Talk Ted Bundy presentation to the Leadmill this March.
The 30th anniversary of the execution of one of America’s most notorious serial killers, Ted Bundy, has sparked a lot of interest. Between the new Netflix series and upcoming film, it’s clear everyone wants to discuss the disturbing actions of this despicable man.
If you’ve fallen victim to the intrigue behind Bundy’s violent activities, then this talk is perfect for you as Paul Harrison is renowned for his expert analysis of serial killers.
Having interviewed over 100 of the most heinous offenders and spent almost four decades dedicated to the cause, this is a man who knows what he is talking about. His lecture is set to be a proactive insight into the innermost aspects of Bundy’s life and crimes.

Paul Harrison
The talk will take place on the 25th of March in The Leadmill. Tickets cost £20 for General Admission and £35 for a Meet and Greet with Harrison.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit: