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6 June 2017

Exposed Magazine

You’ve probably seen pictures of those comic fans who dress up in costumes for comic conventions. Comic Geeks you might say. Gina Hara was one of those comic/sci-fi obsessed fans who wanted to make a film about women who were similarly obsessed. Growing up in Hungary, her language didn’t even have a word for Geek, so, with a growing awareness that there were others out there who were similarly obsessed, she tried to make a film about them. What she found was a reluctance, even a refusal to talk on camera. The women who appeared confident and brash in costume, or who were successful female pro-gamers were scared. Scared of online abuse, cyber-bullying and even death threats for daring to enjoy and be successful in the world of anime, manga and all thing comic-related.

‘Only a few years after learning the word ‘Geek’, I had to learn another word – ‘Cyber-Bullying’ says Gina in this documentary which she has written, directed and narrates. It’s as though those men (although this is assumed, as online bullying is usually anonymous) who are part of this community of nerds and geeks are already outcasts in some way; they are scared. They see the encroachment on their world of anything different, be it through gender, race, gender-identity or sexuality, as a threat. Go see this, it is a compelling story that deserves to be heard. It will genuinely open your eyes to a community fighting for their place in the world.

The world premiere will be in Light screen 6 on Sunday 11th June at 12 noon, followed by Monday 12th June Curzon screen 1 at 9am. Get more information here.