Best of Sheffield Instagram: February
So it’s February and the weathers still a bit grim and gloomy. Don’t despair, the good ol’ folk of Sheff have managed to embrace the freezing temperatures to capture some stunning shots to warm even the coldest of hands. Here’s our favourite pics from the ‘gram this month…
Main pic: @unltbusiness
It’s nice to see people are still carrying their new year’s resolutions into Feb…
And it looks like there’s still some snow in The Peaks…
But that’s not stopping anyone from looking forward to Summer…
Thankfully, the spectacular views on route to work have made getting up on the cold Winter mornings that bit easier…
They say that there’s four trees for every person in the city…
You might curse all the hills, but sometimes they’re a blessing…
Got something we might like? Just tag us in @expmagsheff or hashtag #exposedsheff