What themes do you explore in your work?
I like pushing the lines between realism and surrealism through my work. Botany and portraiture, with a twist, are themes which I am exploring at the moment – and I’m really enjoying it! However, I try to let myself naturally drift over to other themes from time to time depending on where my curiosity lies.
How do you feel about the Sheffield creative scene these days?
Sheffield has a welcoming creative scene; it might not be an obvious one, but it’s absolutely there. I have been drawn to places such as Sidney & Matilda, with their monthly gatherings and regular shows which help artists find each other. This also makes art more accessible to the people of Sheffield, which I love! There are places like Create Coffee and The Tramshed, which are great little underground exhibition spaces and off the beaten track, too.

“Botany and portraiture, with a twist, are themes which I am exploring at the moment”
You create a lot of outdoor mural artwork, plenty of which you can see in and around the city centre. What’s the biggest challenge about working outside and large-scale?
I think the rain getting there before you is probably number one, but I really love working and generally being outside. A bit of rain never hurt anyone, unless it washes off the painting you’ve just finished. For me personally, I tend to get lost in the details, so remembering that everything looks completely different large-scale is a learning curve I am still taking.
What’s been your most exciting project so far?
I am very grateful that I have had the opportunity for some really exciting projects this year. One I that I really enjoyed was Colour Hyde Park in Leeds. It was to create a mural for the community of Hyde Park, whilst taking first-hand inspiration from children from the local primary school. I found it super fun and refreshing, teaching the children new skills, then asking them what they wanted to see on the walls of their community. The sun was shining and everyone was so lovely and encouraging while painting the piece.
What’s in store for 2020?
I have a few big projects in the pipeline. However, this new year I really would like to concentrate on getting back in my sketchbook and generating new pieces for larger canvases, which can then translate into murals. I’ve missed my sketchbook recently!