Helene Michaelides, owner of Cuckoo Films gives us a glance at what it takes to be a Filmmaker…
1. It’s very physically demanding
Filmmakers spend a lot of time carrying heavy camera equipment, setting up screens and backgrounds and shifting various equipment around.
2. It’s always a collaboration
Having clients who give you leeway and believe in your work is important, it’s always a collaboration to make something everyone is happy with. Prep is so important, there’s a lot of time spent in pre-production talking about the script and content. Find clients who trust you to make the best film possible that suits them and their audience and campaign, and is true to the subject.

Photo by Amy Eftekhari
3. It’s about learning the process
Although studying at university helps and was a way to get access to equipment and learn the craft, it’s important to also get as much work on film sets as possible and meet like-minded people. Learning the process is key – from lighting, to camera movement, as well as blocking a scene and how to bring a story to life.
4. Knowledge is key
Study and research your favourite director’s/cinematographer’s work. Go to seminars, Q&A’s, learn their process. Read Conversations with Cinematographers by David A Ellis. Some interesting directors/cinematographers are; Roger Deakins, Guy Ritchie, Ron Howard, Milos Forman. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is one of my favourite films, which is why I named the company Cuckoo Films.

Photo by South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue
5. It’s extremely varied
One day I can be filming a highlights video featuring HRH King Charles, the next I’ll be making a music video with Sean Lennon, and then it’ll be a short campaign video for Childline. Each production can be set over days, weeks or months with actors, shooting on various locations. This can involve long hours prepping, working with actors, filming & then weeks/months spent editing.
It’s about running and managing a business so there’s everything that comes with that too.
Helene Michaelides is the owner of Cuckoo Films, an award-winning digital video production company located in South Yorkshire. They offer digital video production to public and private sector businesses and organisations across the UK. They’re videos range from narrative to factual, from single steadicam to multi-cam set ups.