Herbs like chives, oregano, and basil are easier to grow at home, and it provides you with tasty leaves to add to your soups, casseroles, salad, and stew. Herbs have many different uses; some are valued for their medicinal properties, and they are still seen in herbal remedies today.
Some herbs gain sunlight from a sheltered position. Your herbs can be grown indoors on the windowsill, in pots outside, or straight in the ground. When you sow seeds of annual herbs like basil, they can provide you with fresh leaves every week. While perennial herbs like oregano, chives, and mint in the ground or pot and you harvest the leaves whenever you feel you need them. Store seeds from annual herbs at the end of each year before composting the plants; while you keep hold of your perennial herbs, they shall grow the following year again.
1. Start With Herb Plants, Not Seeds
First of all, grant yourself a favor by buying already planted herbs. Most people get into planting for the herbs and are therefore more inclined towards starting with plants instead of seeds. You can grow your herbs from seed, but that involves a lot of time and strength. We find it a lot easier for beginners to begin with herb plants, which you can find in places like farmers’ markets.
2. Invest In Grow Lights
LED Grow Lights are nice for indoor seed starting. They work tremendously for light-loving houseplants like orchids, vegetables, etc. If you are starting with seeds, you need all the information about this as they help with seedling growth. The informative guide from Grow Light Info mentions that the harvest of herbs and salad greens during wintertime can be possible when they are grown under lights. So, you should learn how plants use light, and about the fixture options. This information will help you choose an indoor grow light that’s right for the growth of your plants.
3. When Using Pots, Make Holes At The Bottom Of The Pot
When buying pots, some already have holes at the base. Herbs do not like to stay in water for a long period, so it’s nice to provide adequate drainage. If you have a pot you love but it has no hole, you can use a power drill to solve the problem.
4. Choose Ceramic Pots If Possible
Another way to create good drainage and be sure you don’t drown your plants is to go for clay pots because they dry out quickly, as they promote great drainage through their pores. However, if you want to use other pots like metal, you have to pay great attention to ensuring your plants get enough water to keep the soil moist.
5. Add Lava Rocks To Your Soil
Instead of scooping dirt up from your yard, it’s better to buy legit potting soil instead. While buying it, get some lava rocks and pour a handful into the bottom of each pot before you start soil into it. It will help with your drainage and ensure your roots don’t get too wet.
6. Choose Well Lit Window Sills
A lot of plant owners grow them indoors. However, you should note that all plants need adequate sunlight daily. Some herbs need direct sunlight for about 8 hours daily. So, placing your plant to the southern view of your windows will help it get the highest sunlight in a day, and west or east facing on your window will work too. You can use a compass to find out the direction in which the sun is facing for proper placement.
7. Don’t Forget About Air Circulation
Factors of the growing herb also include air Circulation. Air is important, which makes sense when you remember that your plants are supposed to be grown outside. You don’t need to stress yourself over this but avoid storing your plants in a place without air. If you’re the type that always leaves the house all day, consider leaving one or two windows open.
8. Try Growing Certain Herbs In Water With No Soil At all
Some people grow their herbs in water as it does not require a lot of management. However, you will not get a lot of yields compared to the results from soil planting. But, if you don’t always use herbs and you have a hectic lifestyle, the water planting method might be the best for you.
Having an enriched collection of herbs is a good way to saturate your meals with different flavors, and also it helps to give your house a nice look. Some plants also provide your home with air filtration. When growing herbs, you get instant gratification when you harvest the leaves for your freshly brewed tea.