Ideas for helping your local community
On the day that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle became husband and wife, Sheffield was buzzing with joy. From the street parties that took place to the screens that showed the event in public squares and local hubs across the city, there was plenty of community spirit in the air. For many Sheffield citizens, this sense of belonging is something to treasure long after a special event such as a Royal Wedding – and what better way is there to give back to this amazing community than by volunteering or donating to improve the place that you call home?
Work with the homeless
A walk down main city thoroughfares such as Pinstone Street can reveal that Sheffield has a homelessness problem, and this means that something has to be done. Donating cash to homeless people on the street is a generous decision that many people choose to make, although there are also other ways to help. Why not consider volunteering at a homeless shelter or setting up a scheme to help give homeless people the life skills that they need?
Get sponsored
All sorts of charity events regularly take place in Sheffield to help local worthy causes, and there is no reason why you cannot be involved. Given that Sheffield has a range of surrounding hills, it is an ideal place to hold a sponsored hill run or climb. By choosing a local charity, you can make the most of this natural exercise location and ensure that the cash that you raise stays within the city’s hills! You will even be able to benefit personally alongside the wider community. Training exercises and the event itself will help keep you in shape, meaning that your health outcomes will improve, and you will feel much better and more productive. If you do not fancy running, then why not sponsor a bake sale or another fun event instead?
Volunteer your time
Raising money to help those who are less fortunate than yourself is a great idea, but sometimes, people need your time more than they need your cash. The number of people in Sheffield aged 85 and over, for example, is believed to have risen by 139% in the last few years, and sadly, some of them are lonely. Whether this is due to them becoming widowed, losing the physical means to get active or another reason altogether, there are often many factors at play that isolate older people in our community, and the effects can be severe. By spending an hour or so each week or month with a local older person, you can help them remain connected to Sheffield and its activities.
Prepare for emergencies
Sheffield is a safe place to live overall, but there is always the risk of a public emergency such as an outbreak of illness or a flood. If you have specific skills, then you can contribute to emergency planning. Citizens of places across the world do this, and it is a wonderful way to pre-empt problems down the line. Local business owners, for example, can stockpile common products and help chambers of commerce draw up emergency food supply plans. Consider how Greek shipping magnate Evangelos Marinakis worked with communities in Greece hit by flash floods back in 2017. By showing solidarity and helping cities rebuild, he was able to use his resources for the wider public good. No matter what you have to offer, there will almost always be a way that you can help manage a widespread emergency.
Help clean up
For many conscientious Sheffield citizens, leaving litter lying around in gorgeous local parks such as the Botanical Gardens and Crookes Valley Park is something that you would just never do. Unfortunately, not everyone shares this attitude, and some people casually leave rubbish in public places on a regular basis. By volunteering to tidy up litter, you can help restore the city’s public spaces to how they should look and set an example to passers-by in the process. This is often quite a sociable activity, as it allows you to get out in the fresh air with a group of like-minded volunteers, and the walking also helps you get fit.
Helping your local community is a great idea no matter what you like to do or what your skills might be. From speaking to older people to ensure that they stay happy and connected to heading out on a long-sponsored run in the name of a local charity, you have plenty of options available. All you need to do is have a think about what you are good at and what you enjoy, and the rest will just fall into place.