Music is an art that has so much power. It’s something we can consume anywhere, at any time. For some, music is just a collection of soothing notes put together in a song. For others, music is a profound spiritual experience that gives meaning to their lives.
Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure — most of us aren’t listening to music the way it should be heard. Mind you, this has nothing to do with your choice of music, but rather the equipment you have available. Because of that, we’ve put together a list of 7 ways you can improve your music listening experience.
Go Analog
The switch from records to digital media has brought so many positive changes to the world of music. No longer did you need to have a massive turntable and a bunch of accessories in order to hear your favorite tunes. These days, all you need is your phone and access to the internet.
However, the convenience of digital formats came at a price. There was a significant drop in the quality of sound when digital became the new boss in town. Driven by the need to reduce file size, the industry has resorted to using file formats such as .mp3 and similar. Granted, .mp3 is the only reason why we can have thousands of songs on our phone, or stream music without lag no matter where we are.
However, .mp3’s compression algorithms have taken away much of the nuances and quality of source recordings.
Because of that, the easiest way you can improve your music listening experience is to go back to vinyl. Go analog, get yourself a turntable, and experience the music the way it was meant to be heard.
Get a Good Pair of Headphones
There are two ways you can listen to music — by using speakers or by using headphones. We’ll touch upon the former further down in this guide. For now, let’s stick to headphones.
Headphones have the ability to completely transform the way you hear music. Different headphones will give you a different sound stage experience.
Open-back headphones have a spatial dimension while closed-back headphones offer much better sonic isolation. Then there are hybrids that offer a varying degree of both these benefits. A good pair of Dolby Atmos headphones will allow you to explore much more complex sound systems, while audiophile tier headphones will take you all the way into the wonderland. A good pair of headphones with a high impedance rating will be unbeatable.
Invest in Right Kind of Speakers
Those who aren’t in the know see speakers as TVs, but for sound. In other words, it’s a device you can set anywhere in the room and enjoy the sound it produces. In reality, things are more complicated. Speakers are complex systems. In order to get the best out of them, you need to learn how to use them.
Contrary to popular belief, there is such a thing as a speaker that is too big. Room tuning is a process where you adapt your speakers to match the acoustics and size of your room. If you get speakers that are too massive, your listening experience will be drowned in noise.
However, if you get things right, you’ll find that sweet spot where every sound comes out perfect and sounds heavenly. Good speakers require a good preamp and a bunch of other goodies, but the ultimate experience is well worth it.
Go Lossless
So far we’ve explored a few options that offer great results, but require you to be inside a dedicated room. What about enjoying high-quality music while on the go? There are a few ways to do it, but there are also several limitations.
First thing first, you have to forget the standard .mp3 format. Most .mp3 music of this type uses the 128kbps bit rate which is acceptable for most uses, but not if you’re looking for the ultimate sound quality. For that, you’ll need to go higher, to 320kbps if possible. Another alternative is to go full lossless.
Lossless audio formats such as FLAC or ALAC for iOS devices, bring files that have no compression. In other words, all the details are there in the file. With that said, FLAC and ALAC are often too much for mobile devices as you won’t be able to decipher those fine details using your phone’s digital preamp. The 320kbps .mp3 is the sweet spot.
Choose Your Surroundings
To truly appreciate a piece of music, you need to be able to hear every single detail a song has to offer. Doing so in a crowded space can be difficult. All of the methods listed above require some sort of investment. This one, on the other hand, is completely free.
Find a secluded place in your house, or a peaceful spot outside and turn on your favorite tune by Ed Cosens. The first thing you’ll notice is the lack of need to crank up the volume. Instead, you can enjoy your music at volume levels that are comfortable and easy on the ears.
Learn to EQ
Equalizing is a process of adjusting the level of various frequencies within the frequency response range of your device. Simple EQs offer the low-mid-treble bands, while others single out known sensitive frequency bands, allowing you to fine-tune them as you see fit.
Learning how to EQ your device will help you adapt it to your headphones or speakers. Sometimes you’ll get too much bass, or your mids will be too aggressive. A simple EQ can sort that out.
Learn About Sound
Everything we’ve mentioned so far is things you learn the moment you start exploring the world of sound.
There’s a whole science to listening to music that lies just below the surface. The best way to improve your listening experience is to scratch this surface and go down the rabbit hole. You’ll definitely appreciate the results!
Music Deserves To Be Heard
Once you experience the analog sound coming from a vinyl played on a high-end turntable, passing through finely tuned speakers, your standards will be shifted. It’s a moment that many of us have experienced, and are working towards replicating. Music deserves to be heard this way. You deserve to hear your favorite songs in all of their glory. Make the leap, and you won’t look back, guaranteed.