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The Music Venue Trust and music stars unite in support of The Leadmill

1 April 2022

Exposed Magazine

You’ve no doubt heard the news that the landlord of Sheffield’s iconic music institution the Leadmill has issued the venue with an eviction order, forcing them to leave the premises in one year’s time.

The announcement last night left many worried as to the fate of the famed venue.

Earlier this morning, it was revealed that the owner of the freehold for the Leadmill’s site is Brixton-based music venue company Electric Group.

In a recent tweet, Electric Group’s CEO Dominic Madden insisted that, despite the eviction notice, he intends for the Leadmill to continue operating as a music venue.

He stated on Twitter: “We are music people, we spend our lives running independent music venues and the Leadmill will continue to operate as a special music venue. The management may change but the song stays the same.”

For many, this is not the reassurance they need. The Music Venue Trust has released a statement this morning, calling on Sheffield City Council to immediately implement an Asset of Community Value status on the premises, as the first step in ensuring the venue is initially protected from closure. They added: “Sheffield is a Music City. Sheffield City Council needs to demonstrate that it is not prepared to see its music culture closed down.”

Today, social media has been dominated by outpourings of emotions from many of the Leadmill’s supporters. Some prominent icons who have played the venue have also weighed in on the recent news…

We’re expecting a new statement from Dominic Madden soon, so we’ll keep you abreast of any fresh developments in this story!

In the meantime, there is a petition to save the venue currently gathering traction online. You can also raise awareness and share your Leadmill memories using the #WeCantLoseLeadmill hashtag on social media.