Waterfront – Festival – 2017

Down by the Riverside: Bumper weekend of family events returns

Ever heard of World Rivers Day? No us neither, but it sounds like as good an excuse as any to have a day out and get some grub.  

Kelham Island Museum, The Canal and Rivers Trust and the River Stewardship Company have come together for their 9th annual Sheffield Waterfront Festival, which will comprise of two events celebrating World Rivers Day.

The first, “On the Waterfront” on Saturday 23rd September at Victoria Quays, is a free family event where you can hit the water on boat trips, try out canoeing, grab some street food and listen to live music.

Next up is “Down by the Riverside” on Sunday 24th September, which will cost normal Kelham Island Museum admission (£6.00 adult, £5.00 concession, kids go free). As well as live music, a BBQ from Steam Hammer Cafe and beer from Millowners Arms Ale, there’s a whopping list of heritage activities, guest MADE artisans and family activities.

Some highlights include an animal roadshow from Heeley City Farm, willow weaving, Kelham Island tours, kayaking sessions and a river wildlife walk.

Saturday events will run from 10am – 4pm, Sunday 11am – 5pm. Find out the full info for the events on their Facebook page

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