Driving is different from walking. You don’t see or hear it coming until it’s too late. A pothole is a danger to be avoided, but there are some dangers that you can spot that will minimize the risk of damaging your vehicle or getting into an accident in the first place. See the easy-to-spot risks and avoid the ones that are harder to see.
If you want your car or truck to last, avoid potholes and other bad road conditions at all costs. Potholes are not a minor risk, as you might think it is. The financial losses you will face due to a pothole accident will be huge. The only way to recover these losses is by getting help from auto accident lawyers. They can help you recover damages that will pay for the repairs or replace your car.
7 Dangers of Potholes Every Driver Must Know
1. Not all potholes are the same
Most people think that all potholes are the same. However, every pothole is different. Some get deeper and wider over time, while others remain the same size. The bigger the pothole, the more damage it will do to your vehicle if you hit it.
2. Potholes can easily damage your car
Your car can be seriously damaged if you hit a pothole or other bad road conditions. Potholes are unforgiving and cause severe damage to vehicles because they catch drivers off-guard at an angle that will generate more impact on your tires and suspension system than you can control. If this happens, you may need Norkson breakdown recovery Liverpool to help get your vehicle back on the road.
3. Potholes can cause accidents
Potholes are so dangerous that they have been the cause of numerous accidents. Many crashes are caused by drivers trying to avoid potholes, causing them to lose control of the vehicle and crash into other cars, buildings, or even people.
4. Exhaust system damage
Bad road conditions can damage your exhaust system and tires if you hit a pothole at the wrong angle. It makes your engine run rough and eventually destroys the entire system. The exhaust system is expensive to replace.
5. Oil leak
A small oil leak from your engine can make it run rough, creating more problems than a pothole would in the first place. If you hit a pothole that damages your vehicle, you may need to have the costly repair done more than once if you need to be more careful to check on the oil level and fill up before leaving for the day.
6. Air filter damage
When you hit a pothole, it can damage your air filter and make the engine run abnormally. It can also alter how it runs, causing an extra expense when you need to replace the air filter to safely get back on the road.
7. Bumper damage
Bad road conditions are not just dangerous for your car and your tires; they’re also hazardous for other drivers around you. Potholes cause collisions because just as you try to avoid them, other drivers do, too, causing a domino effect that leads to accidents and car damage.
Avoiding potholes is difficult if you are traveling at a high rate of speed or in heavy traffic. However, you can easily prevent potholes if you slow down and stay alert to what is around you. The more time you spend on the road, the easier it will be for you to see which potholes are heading your way, making it easier for a fast reaction. If you must hit a pothole for any reason, drive through it as slowly as possible so that your tires don’t bounce up and down, causing the most damage. The more complex and faster your tires hit the pothole, the more severe the damage will be to your tire treads.