Oldies but Goldies
Let’s be honest, harbouring a secret love for Antiques Roadshow doesn’t make you a cultured expert of all things old and interesting. Personally, we don’t know the difference between a ‘Queen Anne’ and an ‘Ikea's finest’…
Looks like we’re about to be educated though as the Launch of a new Sheffield Antiques Quarter is set to take place on November 25th on our very own doorstep. Supported by Sheffield City Council and nationally recognised antique specialists, the Quarter aims to spark local interest in all things curious.
And curious we are! The Antiques quarter boasts a treasure chest of antique retailers with furniture, art, military and salvage wares comprising the vintage collections. Food lovers will be treated to six tea-room style cafes and a Victorian Alehouse will be churning out hearty grub to banish the winter woes. We also have it on good authority that Santa will be making an appearance at the family Christmas market.
Ivan Macquisten from Antiques Trade Gazette commented ‘What’s happening in Sheffield is a template for other towns and cities in the UK, not just in terms of art and antiques but in the whole approach that businesses, local government and people living in the area should take. And it is a credit to the efforts and imagination of the retailers, as well as the enlightened approach of the council’.
Sheffield Antiques Quarter launch and Christmas Market will take place on Sunday November 25th 11am-5pm on Broadfield Road, Sheffield. For more details see here.
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