Musicians and Filmmakers Wanted for 2Weeks 2Make It.

Are you a budding filmmaker or musician, looking for the opportunity to create your own music video? South Yorkshires Film Makers Network is looking for filmmakers and musicians to take part in their annual project 2Weeks2MakeIt.



Filmmakers and musicians will be paired and challenged to create the best possible music video over just two weeks.


Applications are live now, with the closing date of March 6. Successful applicants will be invited to SYFMN’s Industry Day March 13.


To be able to compete in 2Weeks2Make It as a filmmaker, all you need to be is a member of the SYFN, which costs £25 a year (£15 for students) and includes admission to the Industry Day, the year-long 'Directions' training course, continual admission to Shooters in the pub networking events, Showroom Shorts and Cafe Clips screenings, , one-to-one advisory sessions with the SYFN and more! 


For musicians, the fee is £75 to take part. For this, you also get access to all of the above plus you get a music video made for and with you! Bargain, big style! 


For more information or to apply, go to

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